How to Ride a Unicycle
This book details a proven step-by-step method for learning to ride a unicycle. The printed version of this book has sold over 20,000 copies. By popular demand, this book is now available in this updated Amazon Kindle e-book version.
This book introduces the standard unicycle and goes on to the basic principles of unicycling, details the steps in learning to ride, and covers basic skills such as mounting, turning, idling, dismounting, and riding backwards. Partner and group skills are detailed.
What I got out of are First off I have been putting 30+ hours in learning how to ride before I read this book so I felt most of the content I already know. It shows only how to learn with one or two persons by your side. The great content I got out of are:- the explanation of the mechanics of unicycles by imagining you balancing a wooden stick on a palm of your hand.- the control of the unicycle is in the pedaling more than the upper body movement or your arms- as you fall forward, pedaling forward…
Method requires 2 helpers. Useful info I just taught myself to unicycle and bought this book to get some tips and learn what I could have done better or different. This book’s technique is based on having 2 helpers every time you practice. While this may be the “best” method, most people will not have 2 people that can invest the hours to month he suggests.I did pick up some good conceptual information an pointers that would have helped me while learning by leaning against a wall at 7-Eleven. In addition, he has…