Hollywood Recumbent Trike Adapter Car Rack for HR1000/HR1000R/HR1450/HR1450R/HRT220
Trike adapter for Sport Rider rack. 45906 recommended for use with most recumbent style trikes, fits one trike only. 45010 recommended for use with tadpole, delta, and adult style trikes, fits one trike and one bike. Product Dimensions:24 ” Length x 18″ Width x 12″Height.
Product Features
- Trike adapter for Sport Rider rack
- Recommended for use with most recumbent style trikes, fits one trike only
Not exactly as advertised This borders on false advertising from Amazon. Every depiction of this item on Amazon’s site shows it with three wheel holders. It comes with none. I guess the assumption is that you have to buy the rack to mount this on, and the rack comes with four wheel holders, so you’ll end up with one left over, IF YOU’RE USING IT FOR ONLY ONE TRIKE. If you want to transport a trike AND a bike, which the description mentions as possible, you’ve got five wheels to hold and only four wheel holders. The…
I could not use it as of yet. This …
Sportrider Adapter 1 sold as Sportrider Adapter 2 by unscrupulous dealer Very misleading ad, this adapter will not work with adult tricycles and no where in the ad was it stated that adult tricycles will not work, only recumbent bikes. One has to use the wheel holders that come with the base Hollywood bike rack to make the adapter functional for 1 recumbent bike.4-28-14:I wanted to add that the Hollywood bike racks including their adapters are top notch pieces of equipment, but this seller is unscrupulous, his ad still says that this carrier will…